The Committee intends annual Ariëns lectures promoting awareness around the person and work of the priest Alphons Ariëns. Each lecture is always some aspect of the life of Ariëns on the agenda, which will also be sought with Reading to any renewal of the insights on Ariëns. The series Lectures are a series of small booklets, which could lead to a new study on Ariëns in the future.

The tradition of a Ariëns Lecture was launched in May 2001, when Drs Hub Crijns, director of national office DISK in the Jannink Museum in Enschede spoke the lecture in 2001 on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the departure of chaplain Ariëns from Enschede.

Lezing 2001      by drs. Hub Crijns
Lezing 2002      by dr. Theo Salemink
Lezing 2003      Because of the sudden death of Jan Roes beginning of May there is no Lecture held.
Lezing 2004      by dr. Jos Roemer
Lezing 2005      by drs. Gerrit F. Deems
Lezing 2006      by drs. Henri W.M. ten Have
Lezing 2007      by Siebe Rossel
Lezing 2008      by drs. Nelleke Serrarens Wijngaards
Lezing 2010      by drs. Wouter Beekers en dr. Wim H. Nijhof
Lezing 2011      by dr. Gerrit F. Deems
Lezing 2012      by Pieter Omtzigt
Lezing 2013      by Henk Meeuws
Lezing 2014      by Sander Schelberg
Lezing 2015      by Dr. Jan van den Eijnden ofm