In 2003 in the Archdiocese of Utrecht a diaconal price established, which bears the name of Alphons Ariëns. In the last century the priest of the Archdiocese showed a great commitment to working families facing poverty in Twente.

While work on the Ariensprijs to a diaconal project or activity. This is an activity aimed at: - Care and Mercy - Justice - Reconciliation and Forgiveness

The diaconal Price Ariëns two goals are pursued:

  1. The prize aims to stimulate attention and commitment to parish.
  2. The prize aims to stimulate initiatives in parish of the area which otherwise is not money.

The prize is awarded iedre Ariëns three years. The winner will receive € 1,000; the numbers two, three and four will each receive 500. Each winner will also receive a work of art.

Every 3 years there will be a publication containing a portrait of the notified activities and projects that meet the criteria. Next will be in 2025 .
